Water abounds around
the north-east of Tasmania, so hop in and have a fun
To start with the basics, there is a fantastic outdoor swimming pool on Coplestone Street, Scottsdale, which has recently been totally renovated. It is open until 7pm every night, and there is also a kiosk.
Branxholm, Ringarooma and Derby also have various types of pools.
Bridport is the place to swim in the sea. The main dog beaches are out the end of the road that follows the seashore. Granite Point is the most popular for dogs. Humans will love the second-last beach before granite point, while Mermaid Pool is often a bit too busy. Croquet Lawn Beach is an old favourite. Often the beaches around the north-east are totally deserted, so you will have it totally to yourself. None are patrolled, so swimming is at your own risk, but generally they are quite safe. There have been drownings though, and sharks are frequently sighted.
Surfing is better at the more windswept beaches out around Tomahawk and Waterhouse. Windsurfing is good around Bridport, and water skiing popular at Weymouth.
Gracious yachts are frequently seen sailing the waters around the north-east, and generally the waters are quite calm and sheltered, however a good sea breeze usually whips up in the afternoon. There are sailing clubs around the area.
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