Located in the north-eastern corner of Tasmania, about two hours drive from Scottsdale, Mt William National Park is one of the least visited National Parks due to its isolation from major centres. However it isn't really far from Scottsdale, and is certainly worth the trip. It is the only place in Tasmania where you can see real kangaroos (Eastern-Grey) in the wild. A drive along one of the roads at night will let you see a huge variety of wildlife, including wallabies, pademelons, kangaroos, wombats, possums and devils. The walk up Mt William takes about an hour and is quite easy, and gives commanding views around the coast. If you are planning to camp, you will be rewarded with an excellent view of the stars, with very little artificial light around.

The campsites are excellent, most located by desolate, white beaches, with fresh water and long drop toilets. The bushland is scrubby and very Australian, the main attraction being the wildlife. At the southern end of the park is Eddystone Point Lighthouse, (below left) a very interesting spot. Anson's Bay is the fishing capital of the north-east, and Gladstone, the closest town has quite good facilities.

You will surely see beautiful vistas like this (above right) to the wilderness of the far north-east.

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